Saturday, April 18, 2009

MOm gets the weekend off!

Today starts the first ever all day all night Dad weekend. MOm is going to leave me and go hang out with her friends. She already handed over the nordstrom card so she could go shop crazy, they probably will go shop though. Look for them at Harry O's or something... they like to go party in PC and pretend like its a vacation, they're getting a hotel room to avoid something called the Gauntlet.

So what will Dad and I do? We'll ride. Actually he'll ride I'll just drag along. Here are a few pics from yesterdays adventures, we went to Fishers to glue up some training wheels...
I did some Clapping!

Last night MOm came home with a Rumbi salad and a guest.. Mr. stank bug!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dad gets slammed!

Apparently some joker thinks its funny to say things about my Dad. We just found out that some blogger is calling Dad a sandbagger and sketchy.. If you're reading this(blog guy)..Dad says you're a sketchy sandbagger!.. the only thing Dad bags is himself.. on a cold bike ride.. in april...with his buddy mitchell P.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Little gym every tuesday

We went to the little gym again yesterday, I go every tuesday. It was fun as always, we did some tummy time on the wedge mats, here are some pics..

I think MOm stopped looking for a replacement Dad, Dad brought home a little diaper money and a expensive pair of glasses to sell on Ebay.. more diaper money.

so Dad ended up 9th overall in his first cat2 stage race.. he owes it to the Race bikes, he said the 595 covered most of the accelerations for him.. oh yeah and Dads team helped keep him out of the wind and near the front of the race.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

Dad left us all alone on sunday, off to race stage 3 of the Tour of the Depot. He's been gone all weekend, MOm said that he's the worst dad ever and keeps talking about something called a step-dad. Since Dad wasn't around we did our own photo shoot and all that.

Either way Dad made it home in time to eat brunch with us at Finn's.