I'm leaRning to wAtch TV.. thaTs fun
I love ChuGgington, its an aniMated sh0w about trAins
and alWays has a lesSon to be learned
Grandma was hEre in April, that wAs great
she eNtertAined me lots
MOm partiCipated in a ph0to shoot foR one of Dad's reTailers
that wAs cool, we weNt out by the saLt flats and I got to see aLot of nothing
More recently I'Ve been into trUcks buSes and construCti0n equiPment
luckily tHere is lots of coNstruction in SLC, Dad takes me to the job siTes so I can see the gEar up close
Thursday we alMost went to Florida to viSit Grandpa Mike for his 70th birtHdayunfortunately the plaNe was brokEn so they kiCk us off the plane..
that ruined our traVel plans as wE had more connections that dAy and a short trAvel window..
whatEver that means... thats wHat Dad said anyway.
so I g0t to see planes up cloSe and actually be insiDe one..I guess soMeday i'll actually to fly
in one... so sorry Grampa, Happy Birthday, we loVe you and hope to sEe you soon
the souNd of it kind of scAred me but I thoUght it was pretty cool...
as long as I wAs close to Dad
I'm craCking the whip on Dad, so exPect to see regUlar bloG upDates aGain.
I'm craCking the whip on Dad, so exPect to see regUlar bloG upDates aGain.