Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!...Almost

Christmas has come and gone but the gifts keep on giving

Gramma chris gave me these cool wooden blocks that are magnetic...I think Dad is into them more than me...

Mom gave me a wooden lunch set so I can "cut lunch"

Dad had a bunch of promo product he need I helped him out, we put goggles into their micro fiber bags and then back into plastic covers

and then I rolled in them...of course

I've become interested in my bike...I got it for my birthday but just recently started cruising it

I like to jump it and ride diverse terrain..

check it out, soon enough I can hit the trails with Dad

Aunt Sosa is in town from the "Windy city" so we met her and some friend for breakfast at the most overrated eatery in the valley
at least they have funny pancakes. Sosa gave me a cool truck to add to my collection

thanks Aunt Sosa!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry X-Mass Again!

Merry X-Mass Again!

For X-mass eve Dad prepared us a simple meal of
ham, sweet potato with marshmallows and Asparagus
the following morning I woke to lots of presents and chocolate croissant
I received so many great gifts from family and santa
after playing for hours on end I was forced to take a nap in anticipation of a big nite

After a full day of getting gifts and such we were ready to welcome our guests
we formed a group of 9 for dinner followed by a round of White Elephant gift exchange
the gift exchange was real fun, and in the end I was the center of attention
stomping out some bubble wrap
All in all it was a great day spent with friends and it should be