Friday, February 20, 2009

Peter Cotton Tail

Something called Easter is around the corner, you can tell by the items around the grocery store. Apparently Easter is a time when all mankind pays homage to the great Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny comes in many persona's to appease the masses, Here are three versions..the urban bunny, the over-extended bunny that lives above her means and the rare learned bunny.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Disco! Disco!

No wonder I'm not sleeping through the night yet, My sleeping area is like a discotheque...So I get up and party at night..Disco Disco!

.Dad got up on the shoreline yesterday, he said its 90% ride able and snow packed, super fun he says.. give it a few more days and you'll be able to ride over to city creek or it will be totally melted out.. depends on the temps

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Linguistic Diversity

I have a new brain aid to help my in my development. Leap Frog shapes and colors piano, courtesy of g-ma terri...thanks g-ma. The Leap Frog helps me learn about shapes and colors and it has a spanish option as well.. if you set the switches just right it will do Spanglish.

I went to Doctor Peter again, I'm getting bigger.. 16.15 lbs. Dr.P want me to be 20 lbs. by 12 months. With 6month to put on 4 lbs I should be pretty fat by my one year Bday... I bet I weigh in @ 22 lbs by then.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Presidents Day

Presidents day is an excuse for me to dress in my monday best....I think I'll take a few power naps and a full nap. MOms going to work tonight so its guys night in with Dad, yea!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Target sale!

Target is having a 75% off sale on their home goods, so we've been cruising the Targets for bargain items..we're re-doing our dinning room and kitchen i guess... that's what MOm likes.. what MOm likes she gets.

I'm just along for the ride.. kinda over it.