It hAs beEn a wHile sincE my laSt post, like aLways
I've hAd many adVentUres in tHat timE
I've hAd many adVentUres in tHat timE
G-mA Terri came to viSit us, thaT was cOol. We weNt to the parK alot and evEn attemPted to go oUt to eAt... I deCided to thr0w a fit cauSe I found a worm iN my sOy bEans.
unless yOu're in Japan..
he's pRetty fuN.
Last wEek we weNt south to see tHe GranDParents and aUnt JoJo
While I was thEre I took in a biKe race, did sOme groceRy shoPping
and crUised the Home Depot.. loTs of coOl stuFf to see tHere